Friday, October 26, 2018

The Tree the Bares No Fruit

People say Trump has made white People violent and murderous. What we see today. No, he’s released the devil some already had inside of them.  He’s emboldened them to be themselves without fear. 

Before him, Black American had to deal with covert racism. We have ALWAYS SEEN how the news slants a story one way if the criminal is a white person versus black person, same crime.  We have ALWAYS SEEN how the justice system treats our people versus theirs, for the same exact crimes. They have gotten away with even worse and are still able to walk around free citizens. 

We have been hungry for Justice for way too long and all we get are useless laws. Worthless sheets of papers, trees killed for nothing. 

We have begged from a tree who refuses to bare any fruit. Since it can’t give us what we need, the whole tree should wither and dry up, just stop producing any new  fruit altogether. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Los Angeles police became aware of the tag around 5:30 a.m. Tuesday morning, and are now investigating in hopes of finding the culprit. The plaque has since been cleaned.

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Smh, our cousins forgot to invite us to the family reunion but at least they had fun!

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#Nigeria | The solar energy-using internet provider #Tizeti raised US$3 million Series A round to expand its consumer-facing brand, into #Ghana, later this year.

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Geoffrey was shamed about working at Trader Joe’s after the Daily Mail and Fox News ran stories this past weekend about the actor “spotted bagging groceries.” However, Black Hollywood & Tyler Perry took matters into their own hands! #BlackExcellence

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Okay, Detroit - doing the right thing for our babies! 🙏🏾

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#FromTheSouth News Bits | #TrinidadAndTobago's Education Minister is threatening #teachers with legal action if they take part in Friday's national #strike.

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