Tuesday, July 31, 2018

On this day 113 years ago the #Indigenous people of #Tanganyika, a German colony, began what would be called the #MajiMajiRebellion to attempt to stop their land and labor from being used solely for export commodities. https://t.co/HL7TwYLjgo

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Accountability sounds like... “It was an awful mistake and obviously I don’t know how to explain it, and it’s ruined my life and it’s ruined my family’s life,” Jeff Whitman said. https://t.co/kc6mecoJS6

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#Philippines | The firm #NutriAsia reportedly had its security service and the police violently repress a protest of about 300 workers carried out in its factory in Marilao, #Bulacan, according to rights group Karapatan and labor group Kilusang Mayo Uno. https://t.co/CAGXBQnhiT

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Bill Cosby & his team argue that one of his accusers is trying to capitalize off of the #MeToo movement: https://t.co/5x0JNhNiM3

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#FromTheSouth News Bits | 50 years have passed since the #TlatelolcoMassacre in #Mexico. Student movements and young people are participating in efforts to ensure this is not forgotten. Pablo Perez has the story. https://t.co/5ToiBe6OVO

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#FromTheSouth News Bits | Farmers are on hunger #strike demanding the release of former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio #Lula Da Silva, with two weeks to go before registration for October's presidential #election closes. Our correspondent Mia Alberti has more. #FreeLula #Brazil https://t.co/5kcXxJRjTN

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#FromTheSouth News Bits | The debate around #Ecuador's communication law continues. The comptroller has said the competition for frequencies suffered irregularities and has suggested reforms that would mainly affect community radio. #CommunicationsLaw https://t.co/FjnwoCft1h

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With all of the announcements of content creators getting deals, women of color are still highly marginalized in film & TV according to reports. https://t.co/txznje1WWz

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#FromTheSouth News Bits | The Supreme Court of Justice has set a date for Colombian Former President #AlvaroUribe to appear in court for an initial questioning. He is being investigated for #bribery and #fraud. #Colombia #JusticeUribe https://t.co/2YZU88zzKP

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#FromTheSouth News Bits | At least 8 people have been murdered and a number of others wounded in an attack in the #Catatumbo region, in #Colombia. According to eyewitnesses, a group of gunmen on motorbikes opened fire on the victims killing them on the spot. #CatatumboMassacre https://t.co/3II9WjKVAC

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#Afghanistan | At least 11 people have been reported dead after an explosive device detonated in the #Farah province, authorities say. https://t.co/IAhps90Nie

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Wah, wah, wah: Jeffrey Whitman cries big white tears after being caught out there as a racist that he is. https://t.co/sAzSjWDMeh

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#SaudiArabia has pledged support for #Palestine in the #UnitedStates-led “deal of the century” #peace deal. https://t.co/0YTNfw49u7

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@Sixfever Some people just don't learn though...

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Kevin Hart Reportedly Bans Cell Phones From Shows -- If I had a nickel every time a person was kicked out of Kevin Hart comedy show for trying to snap SMH... https://t.co/JL0vCnl421 https://t.co/dxrsJgE0YF

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💔 https://t.co/MjFq6QDFVM

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RT @TheKingCenter: “Until the killing of black men, black mothers' sons, becomes as important to the rest of the country as the killing of a white mother's son, we who believe in freedom cannot rest until this happens.” #EllaBaker #TrayvonMartin https://t.co/OuDbnbqThH

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To everyone who watched the #TrayvonMartinStory premiere last night... It wasn't easy but it was necessary. The bravery that Sybrina Fulton & Tracy Martin showed for their son speaks volumes to this day... Thanks for joining us #RestInPowerTrayvon Watch Party Part 1 https://t.co/NE2NBrPbHr

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When Lena WINS... We All Win! @LenaWaithe is writing the upcoming TBS series #Twenties, which is centered on the story of a queer Black girl and her two best friends chasing their dreams. https://t.co/BQFHUFOCW6 https://t.co/EEWWKW7EsB

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The podcast, @ThisIsTheRead, has amassed a cult following and does live versions for tours across the U.S. and Europe. #BlackExcellence https://t.co/BQFHUFOCW6 https://t.co/86J7gLnrQD

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Quick Bio: @KidFury, born Gregory A. Smith, got his start uploading funny commentary on YouTube nearly a decade ago. In 2012, Smith moved to New York City from Miami. A year later, he began working with Crissle @crissles West on @ThisIsTheRead. https://t.co/BQFHUFOCW6 https://t.co/yV3TtN65Fr

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RT @sandylocks: 1. Racism: When Zimmerman racially profiles and murders a Black teenager. 2. Institutionalized Racism: when every branch of government works to let him get away with it. Period. #TrayvonMartinStory

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#Israel | A rabbi Border Police officer who signed a petition denouncing the "aggressive #terrorism" of members of the #LGBT community will face punishment. https://t.co/Rf99AQVSex

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Tamar Braxton getting ridiculed by a Delta pilot: harassment or punishment? https://t.co/BF0GCzMji5 https://t.co/Gzb1CcBGRv

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More Kendrick Lamar on #Power this season, please. https://t.co/CPtISPkrht https://t.co/lMdroRbBbJ

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The planet's largest colony of king #penguins has declined by nearly 90 percent in three decades, alarmed researchers said Monday. https://t.co/gESjdOGmuu

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#Argentina | #TeachersUnions have started a 48 hours #strike to demand better working conditions and the reinstallment of "paritarias," which were suspended by the neoliberal policies introduced by President #MauricioMacri's govt. https://t.co/FQjmMIjF1E

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#Palestine | The teen #AhedTamimi will be honored in #SouthAfrica with a special award from the grandson of #NelsonMandela, South African news outlets reported Monday a day after she was released from prison for standing up to #Israeli soldiers. https://t.co/3UsAieMySO

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Lauryn Hill’s legacy: does what she wants, how she wants, when she wants. https://t.co/ymtNW2iLVQ

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By the looks of the video, Tamar was being disciplined for having an opinion. https://t.co/h1mWCGNpN8

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#Australia | Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Philip Wilson, an Australian #archbishop convicted in May of concealing abuse by a notorious #pedophile priest in the 1970s, the Vatican said. https://t.co/XpV0ZgxJJf

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#Brazil | Militants of several social movements from different states of Brazil met in Brazilia, before beginning a #HungerStrike Tuesday as a way to protest against the imprisonment of former President #Lula da Silva and the rising poverty rates. https://t.co/W5mhT6HYBU

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#Chile | National polls show that Chilean president @sebastianpinera’s approval rating fell 5 points in the past few days alone to 49 percent while #disapproval of his administration rose from 33 to 37 percent. https://t.co/sf5nYxX2Cn

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#Italy | Opposition politicians accused far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini of creating a climate of hate in Italy following a spate of #racist attacks that have coincided with his anti-immigration drive. https://t.co/COdwsB0M0E

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.@benthewriter and @janiobi talk about how they plan to represent the LGBTQ community on season 3 of #InsecureHBO https://t.co/XyHa6HfmHS

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Leslie Jones says “Stop holding comedians to this standard. Stop doing that! Our job is to make the ugliest stuff funny!" She has a point, does she not!? Have we become too sensitive? https://t.co/JJWux0lcQO https://t.co/VngP1hlkTx

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#Argentina | #Teachers unions have started a 48 hours #strike to demand better working conditions and the reinstallment of "paritarias" which were suspended by the neoliberal policies introduced by President Mauricio Macri's government. https://t.co/CYTwLtx2Fm

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As #India leads the path for #renewable #energy the southern state of Karnataka is making waves and is even ahead of leading European countries in the field such as Denmark and the Netherlands. https://t.co/opjUJLn9cJ

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#Spain | Some 1,000 #migrants were rescued over two days by a Spanish maritime team. The group was making its way from North Africa, across the Mediterranean. https://t.co/DE8yxvuoMb

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The Palestinian teen #AhedTamimi who has become an icon for Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation, will be #honored in #SouthAfrica with a special award from the grandson of Nelson Mandela https://t.co/3UsAieuXue

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#India is planning to implement over 1,000 'fast-track special courts' for swift justice in cases related to the rape of children and women, according to the law ministry's statement. https://t.co/OwSM84A62y

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#Israel | Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu is scheduled to visit #Colombia for the swearing-in ceremony of newly elected Ivan Duque, on August 7, which would be his second visit of to Latin America in less than a year. https://t.co/j0B89GMjpj

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#Russia | Tens of thousands of Russian protested across the country to demonstrate against a controversial #pension-eligible #age hike in parliamentary debate. https://t.co/RISVAOWG0P

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#India | Nearly four million residents of the north-eastern border state of Assam are at risk of losing their citizenship. https://t.co/P2jk9moCJr

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RT @evoespueblo: We praise #AhedTamimi, a young brave Palestinian woman, symbol of her people's resistance to Israel's repression, that was freed after serving an unjust sentence. The whole world should speak out to end the illegal and imperialist occupation of Palestinian territory. https://t.co/WSdi6qvemK

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#Philippines | Workers Face Violent Repression. https://t.co/PMJRYAvjww

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#FromTheSouth News Bits | #US journalist @MaxBlumenthal calls-out U.S. misinformation over #Nicaragua https://t.co/vJibuzvbsk

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#FromTheSouth News Bits | #Colombia's minister of foreign affairs, Maria Angela Holguin, has traveled to #Cuba to lead a government delegation of mediators in the on-going #ELN #peace talks. Our Havana correspondent @laurapteleSUR brought us the latest. https://t.co/WVmgpUXR3T

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#Now | The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), ratifies @NicolasMaduro as president of this political organization. https://t.co/ZtZcxIl0V4

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RT @CancilleriaVE: .@jaarreaza: Pres. of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro Moros, on behalf of his people and government celebrates with the Palestinian people, the release of the young girl Ahed Tamimi, after been wrongly imprisoned for fighting against Israeli occupation forces https://t.co/nfS4RrmChK

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